Have you ever been looking for an app that delivers news right away to your mobile device in a short and effective way so that you get the latest news without wasting a lot of time searching for them ?Toronto News is your source of Toronto and Ontrario local news, it collects Toronto news from different news agencies and twitter accounts and delivers it directly to your mobile. The application delivers news headlines with some details and you can always click to read the whole news.
News are classified into categories so that it is easy for you to reach your favourite news directly, categories of news the app collects are :
- General
- Sports
- Life & Entertainment
- Alerts & Announcements
- Weather News
Never miss a news any more.
Currently the application aggregates news from below sources :
Toronto 24 Hours
Government of Ontario
CBC Toronto
Toronto Star
CTV Toronto
CTV Ontario
Ontario Emergency Management
And many other sport clubs sites and news agencies.
The application pulls news every half an hour, you can always force refresh the news by pressing on "sync now"
You can enable/disable notifications for news, you can even set your mobile to vibrate or plays a ring tone when news arrive.
The app allows you to share the news on Facebook, twitter, send it as email and much more.
The app allows you to mark some news with a star so that you can easily find them later
Using settings you can control how often news are refreshed, and for how often old news should get removed.
In addition to that, the app allows you to add your own source of news to the existing ones
A major feature added to the new version is customising news according to users preferences, if users mark news as like or dislike, they will see further news based on their interests
Apakah Anda pernah mencari sebuah aplikasi yang memberikan berita langsung ke perangkat mobile Anda dengan cara yang singkat dan efektif sehingga Anda mendapatkan berita terbaru tanpa membuang banyak waktu untuk mencari mereka? Toronto Berita adalah sumber dari Toronto dan Ontrario lokal berita, ia mengumpulkan Toronto berita dari kantor berita yang berbeda dan rekening twitter dan memberikan langsung ke ponsel Anda. Aplikasi ini memberikan berita utama dengan beberapa rincian dan Anda selalu dapat mengklik untuk membaca seluruh berita.
Berita diklasifikasikan ke dalam kategori sehingga mudah bagi Anda untuk mencapai berita favorit Anda secara langsung, kategori berita mengumpulkan aplikasi adalah:
- Umum
- Olahraga
- Hidup & Hiburan
- Alarm dan Pengumuman
- Berita Cuaca
Jangan pernah melewatkan berita lagi.
Saat ini aplikasi agregat berita dari bawah sumber:
Toronto 24 Jam
Pemerintah Ontario
CBC Toronto
Toronto Star
CTV Toronto
CTV Ontario
Manajemen Darurat Ontario
Dan banyak olahraga klub situs lain dan kantor berita.
aplikasi menarik berita setiap setengah jam, Anda selalu dapat memaksa menyegarkan berita dengan menekan "sync sekarang"
Anda dapat mengaktifkan / menonaktifkan untuk berita, Anda bahkan dapat mengatur ponsel Anda bergetar atau memainkan nada dering ketika berita tiba.
Aplikasi ini memungkinkan Anda untuk berbagi berita di Facebook, twitter, mengirim email dan banyak lagi.
Aplikasi ini memungkinkan Anda untuk menandai beberapa berita dengan bintang sehingga Anda dapat dengan mudah menemukan mereka nanti
Menggunakan pengaturan Anda dapat mengontrol seberapa sering berita disegarkan, dan untuk berapa sering berita lama harus bisa dihapus.
Selain itu, aplikasi ini memungkinkan Anda untuk menambahkan sumber Anda sendiri berita yang sudah ada
Fitur utama ditambahkan ke versi baru menyesuaikan berita sesuai dengan preferensi pengguna, jika pengguna menandai sebagai berita suka atau tidak suka, mereka akan melihat kabar selanjutnya berdasarkan kepentingan mereka
Have you ever been looking for an app that delivers news right away to your mobile device in a short and effective way so that you get the latest news without wasting a lot of time searching for them ?Toronto News is your source of Toronto and Ontrario local news, it collects Toronto news from different news agencies and twitter accounts and delivers it directly to your mobile. The application delivers news headlines with some details and you can always click to read the whole news.
News are classified into categories so that it is easy for you to reach your favourite news directly, categories of news the app collects are :
- General
- Sports
- Life & Entertainment
- Alerts & Announcements
- Weather News
Never miss a news any more.
Currently the application aggregates news from below sources :
Toronto 24 Hours
Government of Ontario
CBC Toronto
Toronto Star
CTV Toronto
CTV Ontario
Ontario Emergency Management
And many other sport clubs sites and news agencies.
The application pulls news every half an hour, you can always force refresh the news by pressing on "sync now"
You can enable/disable notifications for news, you can even set your mobile to vibrate or plays a ring tone when news arrive.
The app allows you to share the news on Facebook, twitter, send it as email and much more.
The app allows you to mark some news with a star so that you can easily find them later
Using settings you can control how often news are refreshed, and for how often old news should get removed.
In addition to that, the app allows you to add your own source of news to the existing ones
A major feature added to the new version is customising news according to users preferences, if users mark news as like or dislike, they will see further news based on their interests